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RSS Jelley18

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

School uniforms take away your right to be original. I am against them because if our school required us to wear school uniforms it takes away your self-identity. According to when schools require students to wear uniforms the parents have to buy them which puts more pressure on the family budget. Also not all students are comfortable wearing the same thing. Some people only wear shorts, or boots and jeans. In my opinion school uniforms will make parents pay more money for their children’s clothing, and if our school was to implement this, there would be a lot of angry parents and students.

1 point

Yes you could have the younger generation watch videos during drivers education but lets be honest would you really take any of that seriously? I know when I was in Drivers ed, we watched videos on the distractions you face while driving, and i'll be honest I didn't pay any attention to them. I figured I will never get in an accident because i'm changing the radio station, or messing with my phone. I feel that not very many people who watch videos involving distractions while driving pay much attention to them. To me the best way to prevent and reduce accidents, dealing with electronics, is by having stricter laws regarding electronics.

1 point

I agree with what you are saying Zach, I think their should be tougher rules to prevent bullying from happening. The problem is you can never completely get rid of bullying, their will always be someone who gets picked on. What we should do is if we find a way to prevent bullying from happening in the first place, possibly by making prevention laws.

1 point

Paying students for doing good on tests is the wrong way to improve student behavior. Going to school is an investment in your future. The school should not have to pay us to do good on tests when we should be doing our best to begin with. In a study performed with nearly 40,000 students, researchers gave 6.3 million dollars in rewards to 261 school district. These schools then used the money to pay students for finishing books, doing good on tests, etc. Once the experiment was over the researchers found out that the incentive of getting paid did not increase student achievement. This means that even though the students had an opportunity to get paid for getting good grades, hardly anyone took advantage of it. Being paid for grades did not work. Students who were happy with their grades were unwilling to do a little extra work for a little more spending money, and the amount of money that the students would get paid probably was too low for the students to really get excited about it.

1 point

Everyone is guilty of using their cell phone or electronic device while they drive. All of us think that we are excellent drivers, and can handle that one extra task behind the wheel. The truth is you are 23 times more likely to get in a car accident just by having your cell phone out, according to Whenever you look at your cell phone you take your eyes off the road for at least 5 seconds, and if you are going 55 miles per hour, you just went the length of a football field. I know I have done this before and honestly it is a little concerning when you are texting someone back and forth, not paying attention, and suddenly you get to your destination not remembering how you got there. As much as I like the freedom of having my phone out when I drive, I think we need to have tougher regulations regarding using your cell phones while you drive.

1 point

Homework will always be needed to help students succeed in their classes. Even though it is annoying and a lot of the time we don't want to do it, it helps up learn more, and become better students. For example if you were planning on going into accounting you would have to master everything that has to do with accounting. You wouldn’t want to get a job in an accounting firm and have no idea what you were doing. With homework you can take what you learned from class and apply it to the real world. At least that is what the teachers tell you. Personally I think that homework is the key to making more money in the real world. With more education you can get a higher paying job, and possibly be in a more important position in whatever company you work for.

0 points

Cheating among college students varies depending on the circumstances. Studies show that college students will be more inclined to cheat if the student wants to achieve some desired goal and, at the same time, to avoid some of the unpleasant consequences that come from failure. During a controlled experiment students that were members of a fraternity, have a low grade point average, or are new students were more likely to cheat on tests than older students with a high grade point average. These students feel pressure to succeed so they resort to cheating off of other students, or using their electronics to obtain the grade they want.

Supporting Evidence: Testing the effectiveness of the University honor code (
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