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1 point

I think that Marinnane Doses believes that we are in need of godly role models everywhere, be it in the homes, the schools and in the public square, praising good character more than outward appearance or a person's economic net worth. agree or disagree

Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)

Dose, Marianne. "'Character education in a public school' (C.I. June 2006, p. 20)." Catholic Insight Sept. 2006: 5+. Student Edition. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.

1 point

The site that I found this statement is (, anti-bullying). These Catholic parents are worried about their children attending school with bullies being with them all the time. The board members, including those who appeared to be asleep during the meetings, were successful in ramming through an anti-Catholic Bill, "The Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy. (E.I.E.) When a woman lawyer for the parents publicly scolded the trustees with legal facts, the trustees momentarily slumped down in their seats. Teachers I spoke to denied this charge and wondered what the Board members were smoking. With no statistics to support these false charges, the School Board quickly passed the anti-Catholic legislation. Since they lost the first battle and to minimize the damage this Bill will cause, parents and other groups then tried to have amendments made to the Bill.Your Catholic school trustees, who receive $25,000/yr. for part time work, made no serious effort to discuss any amendments. Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition) McGovern, Jim. "Re 'Ontario school battle'." Catholic Insight Sept. 2011: 5. Student Edition. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. I found another article on (, anti-bullying.) Stop the Bullying: A Handbook for Teachers (G) Good, even great at times, generally useful! Although the topic of bullying has been done to death, this well- researched book provides teachers with practical, interesting and original activities. An overview of bullying provides teachers with information about bullying trends, escalating issues and some effective strategies for creating an "anti-bullying program". It provides strategies for teachers to try in dealing with bullying victims as well as bullies. Ken Rigby is a writer with recognized authority in research on bullying. He is he author of a previous publications:Bullying in Schools and What to Do about it. Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition) Lennon, Gail. "Stop the Bullying: A Handbook for Teachers. (Professional Resources)." Resource Links Dec. 2001: 54. Student Edition. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

1 point

I believe that parents don't know that their kids are learning from them that their smartphones are distracting them when your driving even if there the most amazing things you saw, and if you're a frequent user, you know how hard they can be to put down. They're always clamoring for your attention with Facebook notifications, instant messages, emails, app updates, games to try, streaming music to listen to which is great if you're idly passing time while waiting in line or sitting on a bus, but it's bad news if you're driving. Studies show that using smartphones behind the wheel makes you just as dangerous as the average drunk. Most states have some sort of distracted-driving law on the books. That said, Apple's strong push to get more people using their iPhones in more cars is curious. Believe it or not, it's all about safety--well, and selling more phones. Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)

"APPLE'S CARPLAY; SOON TO BE THE BEST WAY TO USE AN IPHONE IN YOUR CAR." AutoWeek 14 Apr. 2014: 0018. Student Edition. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

this is another thing --"More than 75 percent of new drivers exhibit the same distracted driving behavior as their parents."

--"Most parents are unaware they are teaching their kids things that will make them more dangerous to others and more vulnerable to others."

--"Most parents want to protect their children and will make changes once they understand the realities of behavior transfer."

These are the words of Andy Pilgrim, the same championship-winning sports-car driver who helped road-test editor Jonathan Wong thrash Porsche's 911 GT3 and Chevrolet's Camaro Z/28. Andy began speaking to high-school students about driver safety 20 years ago, and he has delved deep into the statistics, causes and effects that have led many to conclude that U.S. driver education is inadequate.

Distracted driving, in particular, is an epidemic. I'm genuinely surprised if the driver in the lane next to mine isn't texting or otherwise fiddling with a phone. Most of the time, they are--and often with passengers who pick up on this behavior.

Through his Andy Pilgrim Foundation, Andy produced two videos for educators' use: "The Driving Zone" and "The Driving Zone 2." These DVDs cover topics like mental preparation for driving, explanation of distracted-driving issues and street-survival tools that are absent from most curricula. More than 10,000 driver-education teachers in 43 states use "The Driving Zone 2."

Andy takes his educator role another step forward with the introduction of "The Parent Driving Zone." Distracted driving is bad for all of us, but, as he says, "If a new driver with less than five years of experience drives with the same distractions and subsequent behavior as their parents, with none of their parents' skill or experience, they will, and do, crash at a massively higher rate. The fatality and life-changing injury stats for children under 21 years old tragically back this up.

"Since about 2009, we have had a massive increase in driver distractions linked directly to smartphones. This does not only mean texting while driving!"

Absorb this: Between 55 and 75 percent of new drivers name their parents as the biggest influencers on their behavior behind the wheel. That's more impactful than their peers, teachers, police, laws and tragic stories.

About three years ago, Andy began asking parents if they considered how their distracted-driving habits passed to their children. "The answers I received went from shock to total disbelief," he says. "It was obvious 90 percent never thought about it."

Hence a need for "The Parent Driving Zone." It includes behavior-altering information for parents of children of all ages. No one says all parents drive distracted, but one look around you during tomorrow's commute will prove this scourge's reach. Most never think about the fact they are their children's driving instructor or think their child is paying much attention to their driving. Well, they are. If you have a kid up to age 18, I implore you to check out, where you can order a copy of the video. Its lessons might save your child's life.

Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)

Morrison, Mac. "ONE RACER'S MISSION." AutoWeek 31 Mar. 2014: 0083. Student Edition. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

1 point

In France, the president Francois of France abolished homework for the primary and middle schools. Here is something you probably didn't know about France: its President has the power to abolish homework. In a recent speech at the Sorbonne, Francois Hollande announced his intention to do this for all primary- and middle-school students. He wants to reform French education in other ways, too: by shortening the school day and diverting more resources to schools in disadvantaged areas. France ranked twenty-fifth in a new evaluation of educational systems by the Economist Intelligence Unit (part of the company that publishes The Economist). To give you an idea how bad that is, the United States, whose citizens are accustomed to being told how poorly educated they are, ranked seventeenth. The French President's emancipation proclamation regarding homework may give heart not only to les enfants de la patrie but to the many opponents of homework in this country as well--the parents and the progressive educators who have long insisted that compelling children to draw parallelograms, conjugate irregular verbs, and outline chapters from their textbooks after school hours is (the reasons vary) mindless, unrelated to academic achievement, negatively related to academic achievement, and a major contributor to the great modern evil, stress. M. Hollande, however, is not a progressive educator. Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)

Menand, Louis. "Today's Assignment." The New Yorker 17 Dec. 2012: 25. Student Edition. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

the next site says Not many children will follow the proceedings of the teacher unions' conferences, but one motion might interest them: a call for homework to be abolished in primary schools. According to teachers belonging to the ATL in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Leeds and Wigan, formal homework set by teachers under the direction of the government is of dubious benefit.

Source Citation (MLA 7th Edition)

"Britiain's Schools: HOMEWORK: In primary schools, it's a waste of children's and teachers' time." Observer [London, England] 5 Apr. 2009: 9.Student Edition. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. Document URL

1 point

Uniforms cost less overall, Student attendance improves, Encourages discipline, Students takes less time to get ready in the morning, Children are free to concentrate on lessons,

Uniformity promotes a reduction of violence in schools, A decrease in peer pressure to wear trendier brands, Uniforms can be reused and recycled, School intruders are more easily identified in a school of uniformed children. Also students experience less pressure in deciding what to wear each morning. 809991/the-pros-and-cons-of-school-uniforms

1 point

You may be right some schools wouldn't allow some of these undermining books in their schools to rot the brains of their students.

1 point

I think you are right students should be able to read what they want to read in their life time ,don't take that away from them. If you do us students might go behind your back and read the book. Many students will want to have the knowledge to feed their mind for the future. Students may want to rebel the banning of some books. Another fact many students may love reading when their bored. So let them read what ever books they want to. Also by reading books will give the brain an adventure.

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