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1 point

I think getting paid for grades would be an excellent motivator for students who don't have jobs and who don't have the will to do their homework, I know that kids would be most likely to do their homework if they knew that they would be paid. Kids would soon be more willing to do their work. The problem would be, as to where they would come up with money for 500 kids and how much money will be paid each, and how much money will be paid depending on the grade.

1 point

I feel that students don’t want to do homework, because of the effort they have to put into it, but im just as guilty sometimes. If kids don’t want to do homework, it will be a rough road for them ahead in life, thats why parents and teachers should do the most they can do to make sure the children are understanding what they are learning. Its the lack of attention that plays a key problem in this topic. I feel that students want to learn but they don’t like the routine of homework.

1 point

I feel that students don’t want to do homework, because of the effort they have to put into it, but im just as guilty sometimes. If kids don’t want to do homework, it will be a rough road for them ahead in life, thats why parents and teachers should do the most they can do to make sure the children are understanding what they are learning. Its the lack of attention that plays a key problem in this topic. I feel that students want to learn but they don’t like the routine of homework.

1 point

I feel that texting while driving has been a nationwide habit ever since the early 2000’s. Either calling someone or texting, it is a habit that for most people, will be very hard to break. Even though people know the seriousness of texting while driving and seen the consequences of texting while driving, including death, and if no accident, then dealt a severe fine. Most people through the 18 to 20 bracket that have been injured due to texting while driving have admitted to texting while behind the wheel. I feel that parents should take charge of this and do everything in their power to explain the seriousness and the consequences of texting and driving. It’s kind of scary knowing that your child can possibly be in the car with someone who is on their phone while driving, the driver putting everyone in the car and anyone on the road at risk. In 2010, the U.S. alone, 18% of fatal crashes was from distracted drivers. Here is the article if any of you are interested to read more.

1 point

I feel that bullying can be taken hurtful or playful, bullying varies on how the victim feels he/she is treated, therefore I feel that bullying doesn’t exist, but that bullying is a situation interpretted by a victim or a group of people. Some people may think that bullies are very popular, but in reality they have everyone fooled to think they have all the friends in the world, a bullies life is most likely worse than the victim’s. Nonetheless I feel we should act to stop bullying when we suspect someone is bullied. Regarding bullying, bullying is only an interpretation, bullying is when one or more think that “rough-housing” or “joking” has gone too far, and for the bully, gives them a sense of power and gratitude. Most victims of bullying have no one to help them, because bullying is very entertaining to others. Bullies usually have a lot of friends, because of how humorous some people find their comments, which were used to destroy the egos of young innocent children who never deserved it. Most bullies try to act like they are just joking, which most bullies do, but mostly they bully other people for the benefits of earning more friends. It is sad that victims are bullied with no one to help them, most bystanders do not know what to do, mostly because they question the seriousness of the situation, and if it is a joking matter. Most bullies become bullies, for the feeling of dominance and security from surrounding peers.

1 point

I can relate to the point that Alex is trying to make. They think that school uniforms will stop bullying, but most bullying isn't about one's attire, but more along the lines of someones personality, something about that person that the bully doesn't like, could be their sexual orientation, or the way they talk, or a physically altering disease. Bullying will continue, uniforms or no uniforms.

1 point

I feel that school uniforms are unnecessary for school protocol, from what I researched, school uniforms are estimated to cost about $50 per individual. I feel that our schools could use that money to spend on more important things for the schools. Schools all across America are considering if school uniform would be acceptable or if it would cause problems. School uniforms could pose a problem, damage to the uniforms could occur, or could be misplaced. The idea of uniforms could make schools look formal and intellectual. In my opinion, I feel that school uniforms shouldn’t be enforced, I feel that schools shouldn’t enforce the mandatory use of school uniforms, because they should have the obligation to wear what they prefer, as long as it obeys the protocol in the school systems.

"School Uniforms, School Uniform, Kids School Uniforms - French Toast."School Uniforms, School Uniform, Kids School Uniforms - French Toast. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

1 point

I believe that students are mature enough that they are aware of the explicit content of the world, and that they should be mature on to keep it to themselves. I feel that we can only do so much to censor the world to our children, but we wont be able to keep our children immune to the volatile content in books and society forever. I feel we should censor books in the early stage of school, or at least until the children have full knowledge of the content.

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