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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jonboy's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I feel that schools do not do as much as they should against bullying. Some schools need to handle the situation more seriously, yet students feel they can't even talk to the teachers about it. Some teachers say "Okay, I'll talk to them" (Referring to the bully) yet they never do anything to handle the situation and it continues. Some may do something about it, but it may only be minor.

Supporting Evidence: Bullying (
1 point

I have to agree with ARohlk. Forcing religious and personal believes onto another person is wrong, nor is it far. It's not letting the student be their selves and letting them express what they believe.

1 point

I believe that we should still have homework but a lot less than what we get. I feel like homework is a good tool to help people become more responsible and helps them learn what is need, but it also tend to stress the students out who do things after school, such as work or athletics. I feel like i am in the middle between both of these, but homework is needed.

Supporting Evidence: homework (
1 point

I think that kids should get paid for GOOD grades, that way they can be motivated to do better and learn more. I wouldn't necessarily say pay them a lot but maybe 5 dollars per test if they get a good grade wouldn't be so bad. I also think that the school shouldn't have to pay the student but the government itself. There would also be a less chance of dropping out and kids can save up for college in the future. Students also wouldn't have to beg their parents for something they want, instead they could work hard and study more for tests. With the money they earn they could get whatever they wanted or save up.

Supporting Evidence: Paying for good grades (
1 point

Not necessarily. People could change the angle of the phone so it looks like they aren't looking at it, and the brightness of the phone would most likely not be seen during the day. Also, the brightness setting can also be changed.

2 points

Uniforms tend to be expensive. I don't think students should have to wear uniforms or be forced to wear uniforms because it takes away the right to express themselves. Making someone wear something they don't want to will not help the students attendance, it could just make it worse. It could make it worse because if the student feels pressured to do something they don't want to do, then they just won't show up. Some students may feel that the only way they can express themselves is through the way they dress. It's the students choice to wear what they want. Taking that right away can cause more violence and the attitudes of students towards the staff can increase dangerously. It wouldn't really change the violence in the schools. If a student has a problem with another, then there is bound to be problems, no matter what they wear. Students should have the right to choose what they want to wear, whether it is expressing themselves or just because they want to wear something more comfortable.

Supporting Evidence: Uniform arguments (
1 point

It would be no different than the negativity they get from other classmates or students. Whether the student is bullying, or is getting bullied, it leaves them with negative experiences that would be worse than a book. but we can't band the bully's, can we? No, because it would be wrong DENYING a student to learn, experience and grow. Books can also be positive too, and still have vulgarity, or something inappropriate. I understand younger kids, such as elementary students, shouldn't be reading books involving sexual content, or inhuman violence. that's just common sense. But we as people have the freedom to choose. I don't think that a school would have pornography or such in a library. That in itself, is ridiculous. But they should have the right to read books, such as "Huckleberry Finn," if they choose to. They'll eventually learn about it in the future.

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