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1 point

I agree that distracted driving is similar to drunk driving. According to both cause distracted and impaired driving that can result in following to close or not being able to break. Drivers who text while driving have a 23% chance of causing a crash. This is equivalent to downing four beers then driving.

"Texting While Driving Vs. Drunk Driving: Which Is More Dangerous? - Brain Injury Society." Brain Injury Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.

1 point

I agree with you because if you would start paying students for good grades they may start not trying as hard. I also agree that students would do anything possible to get the “A” to get the money and then they could possibly fail the test and get frustrated.

1 point

If the schools would start paying for all the daily work , that would raise the amount of money they have to pay each student. Which most schools don’t have enough money to fund paying students for good grades. If they also pay the students to get good grades, kids will turn it from learning to just getting money for the grades they got.

"Pros and Cons of Paying Kids for Good Behavior and Grades - San Diego Bargain Mama." San Diego Bargain Mama. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

1 point

I agree with you on how the uniform will take away individuality. I like being able to pick what I want to wear to school. It may stop some bullying but even with uniforms there will still be bullying.

1 point

To some people school uniforms are boring and children should be able to be creative with what they get to wear. Also uniforms are expensive and some students may not be able to afford it. Uniforms also don’t let people be unique and show their character. Certain school rules are ok like how short some shorts can be but they shouldn’t be so strict that a student can’t show their character. Personally I would not like wearing a uniform.

"Dress codes: pros and cons." New Moon Girls Sept.-Oct. 2012: 15. General OneFile. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

2 points

According to a work-life expert,Jeff Davidson, 812,000 people are distracted by a handheld device at any time. He also states that worldwide there are 1.2 million deaths and 80 million injuries caused by distracted driving. Driving while using a handheld device or even hand free device slows your response time to be like a drunk driver with a .08 alcohol content. If you talk on your phone and drive it increases your accident risk by 4 times, but if you text and drive it increases your accident risk by 23 times. I think we should either educate kids better or get better laws to help reduce accidents and deaths.

"The Costs of Distracted Driving." CPA Practice Advisor Apr. 2014. General OneFile. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

2 points

According to Iowa Aea online, some people think that students should not be paid for good grades because kids go to school to learn not to earn money. The school giving students money for good grades can be considered bribery. Bribery doesn’t help students learn the information for the right reason. Also paying the kids for their good grades is expensive. Especially for schools that have large numbers of students.

"Clash over cash: should students get paid for doing well in school?" WR News, Senior Edition [including Science Spin] 25 Sept. 2009: 3. General OneFile. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

1 point

But the schools can choose what books they want to buy with the money they have. Some may even ask the students what type of books they would like or if there is a favorite book that some students want . So then they can buy those types of books with the money they have

1 point

I agree with you. It is unfair to students and people who want to read these types of books but they are being banned. It should be up to the readers and their parents.

1 point

I think parents should be able to choose if they want their child to read something especially when they are in elementary school. But once you get into middle school and high school I think you should be able to choose what interests you and what you want to read. Some books may have bad language or some words the elder Americans may of used but that is part of the history, and I think if you are in middle school or high school you should be able to read it.

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