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AlyssaNicole's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Personally, I think that people need to stay focused on the road rather than on their phones, doing their makeup, and worrying about what’s going on inside the vehicle and focus on the road more. People end up getting in car accidents because of being distracted. Honestly, I think that people need to watch the road because you could be taking someone’s life while you’re texting or doing something. According to the article “Put down the phone and promise to drive distration free”You take 3 seconds or more when you’re not watching what’s going on in front of you. That 3 seconds seems like a minute or more. Nearly 3,400 people actually (3,328) died from distracted driving. And approximately 660,000 drivers use a cell phone while driving. That 660,000 people could be causing a car crash right now.

“Put down the phone and promise to drive distraction free.” Fleet owner [online Exclusive] 14 Apr. 2014 General OneFile web.23 Apr. 2014

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