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Deandraw13's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I believe that students should have the right to choose what books they read because everyone should have the right to read what they want and form their own opinions on the reading. If books are getting banned that the students like they are just not going to read at all. Banning books goes against the first amendment because the first amendment states that everyone has the freedom of speech. The author had the freedom to write the book the way that they wrote it. We should not have the right to get rid of the way that someone else thinks of things. In some books there is offensive language, but if you had no books at all it would hurt the students even more. I don't think that classic books like Huckleberry Finn, or To Kill a Mockingbird should ever be banned. They have been banned because of the language that is used in the books, but they teach the students about important life values. They also teach students about the world problems that where going on during that time. When I read both of these books, I found them very interesting, and I learned a lot about the way that people lived and acted in that time. Also I think that books shouldn't be banned because what you read in books is no worst than what you see on TV. If you are going to start banning books then you have to start regulating what students watch on TV. All together I think that banning books would hurt the students more than it would help them.

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